Alina Wellen on her first weeks at Sia Partners in Amsterdam

28 October 2021

This summer, Alina Wellen joined Sia Partners as a Senior Consultant in the Marketing & Customer Experience practice. Alina shares how she experienced the first weeks at the Amsterdam office of the global management consultancy.

Why did you choose to apply for the position of Senior Consultant at Sia Partners?

During my job search, I was looking for a position that would allow me to work on projects for and with clients from different industries. I wanted to help them on their journey to digital transformation and marketing excellence. Sia Partners offers this opportunity. Their entrepreneurial and data-driven approach convinced me to submit my application.

How did you experience the application process?

The application process was very personal and transparent. I received timely and personal (over the phone) feedback at every step of the process. Therefore, I always knew what the next step would be. Thanks to the advice I received, I knew how to prepare for the interview process.

Alina Wellen, Senior Consultant, Sia Partners

Can you tell us about your first weeks at Sia Partners?

My first weeks at Sia Partners were mainly about meeting many people within and outside the Marketing & Customer Experience team, learning about their roles at Sia Partners, and what they are currently working on. Furthermore, I focused on making myself familiar with the tools that are used and I received a lot of insights from past projects delivered by Sia Partners.

After a week of being on board, I was already assigned to work on my first project for a client.

What are you working on at the moment?

The assignment I am currently part of is a project for an international client that provides analytical testing services. The team consists of five consultants that support the client in rolling out and enriching a digital application that provides testing services for B2B and B2C customers.

The project takes place against a very fast-paced and dynamic backdrop. Therefore, we constantly have to adapt to new market developments and regulations, which makes this project challenging and exciting at the same time.

What are your goals for the future within Sia Partners?

Personally, I would like to deepen my existing knowledge in the area of customer experience and marketing. At the same time, I want to develop expertise in areas such as sales or digital strategies, in which I have less experience.

From a projects perspective, I hope to support different types of clients in tackling their challenges and develop future-proof solutions for them.

Do you have tips for people who are considering applying at Sia Partners?

Stay true to yourself and don’t be afraid to ask questions to the interviewers. The process isn't just for the employer to find out if you will be a good fit for the company. It is also for you to learn if the firm and the position are right for you.

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