Be acquires majority stakes in Synapsy and Quantum Leap

04 May 2022

Italian-listed professional services group Be | Shaping the Future has over the past weeks closed two deals in its home market, acquiring majority stakes in Synapsy and Quantum Leap.

On April the 20th, the financial services focused management and technology consulting group purchased 51% of the shares of Synapsy (at a company valuation of €1.6 million).

Synapsy develops live communication such as studio recordings and podcasts, and hosts events. As part of the deal, the 20 employees of Milan-based Synapsy will join Be, with the current management team continuing to lead the firm for at least the coming seven years.

Be acquires majority stakes in Synapsy and Quantum Leap

According to Stefano Achermann, the CEO of Be, the addition of Synapsy will help the firm professionalise its thought leadership delivery and digital content hub. “Synapsy enjoys a remarkable reputation with some of our major customers. With the support of Be, Synapsy can seize important opportunities that a completely redesigned market is offering.”

Davide Mazzucchelli, the founding partner and CEO of Synapsy, said: “This is an important opportunity for us and enables us to grow our offering in a market that is increasingly connected. Be will provide us with a platform to add complementary services to our communications, events and productions.”

Meanwhile, last week, Be acquired a 60% stake in Quantum Leap, a boutique consultancy specialised in technology transfer and open innovation services to the scientific research and industrial sectors.

Based in Rome, Quantum Leap helps companies with developing their intellectual property strategy and then with managing and optimising their portfolio of technology assets.

The transaction sees 15 professionals cross to Be, for an acquisition fee that values Quantum Leap at €600,000. The current management will continue to lead the boutique until at least 2028.

The two deals come within six months of Be’s majority acquisition of Crispy Bacon, a company with 85 people in Italy and Albania specialised in web-mobile development and cloud infrastructures. The firm generates 60% of its revenues in the financial services industry, serving clients including Compass, Intesa Sanpaolo, UniCredit, Widiba, and Unipol.