Anderson MacGyver hosts digital transformation podcast ‘Limitless’
Over the past months, Anderson MacGyver has been building out its podcast series focused on the theme of digital transformation. Episodes of ‘Limitless’ sees executives and leaders in the digital scene share their transformation experiences and best practices.
The popularity of podcasts was already booming before the pandemic – but after the outbreak of Covid-19 and the subsequent lockdowns, the importance of podcasts as a communication platform has grown further. With businesses finding new ways of informing clients around the world without the use of international travel, the consulting podcast scene is booming.
European consultancy Anderson MacGyver, a specialist in data, technology and digital transformations, has taken to the medium with great enthusiasm. The consultancy regularly uses podcasts (in addition to other thought leadership channels) to share its knowledge and expertise in the field of digital transformation and change.
The firm’s mini-series, ‘Limitless’, sees international journalist Jonathan Groubert speak to leaders, entrepreneurs, and consultants, in a bid to examine what makes a digital transformation drive tick. With five episodes currently available, the series can be found on Spotify and iTunes, among other sources.
An overview of the topics covered to date:
Talking transformation
Creating a successful digital transformation in an organization is not without challenges. It all starts with ambition and ideas. How do you get off to the best start and ensure that the entire team and the organization move in the same direction?
The first podcast in the series sees Groubert and co-host, Anderson MacGyver partner Rik Bijmholt converse with Wim Beukers, CEO of Allinq. Beukers explains how he digitized the company, how that saves money and how this benefits the planet: “be prepared to renovate the core, be ready for the future, and innovate!”. The decisions taken today must be sustainable for years to come.
Then, the experts speak with national short track skating coach Jeroen Otter, who explains how he is using digitization to pursue his dream of winning Olympic gold. While this might seem like a very different world to most businesses, the four speakers discuss the best practices which can be ‘imported’ from the world of top-level skating.
The digital future is green
The future is both green and digital. The two even go hand in hand. But how do you get there as a company?
Groubert and Otter return alongside co-host Patrik Hermansson, the Nordics Director at Anderson MacGyver, to speak with Ingo Paas, CIO of Swedish railway company Green Cargo. He explains how the key to green transformation is all about asking the right questions.
“It is not so much about the ‘how’, but more about the ‘why’. Motivation and inspiration are important indicators for this. Both in business and in sports.”
The CIO presents two main challenges. Firstly, overcoming personal challenges has helped him “take professional risks and responsibility, deal with crises, and never give up” when transforming the core of a business. Secondly, the challenge of not getting derailed in today’s world (where developments follow each other in rapid succession), and how important it is to stay on course towards a digital future, in spite of events and happenings impacting the path.
A blooming business
Guests Michel van Hout, CIO of Royal Flora Holland, and Martin de Ruiter, Programme Manager at the Dutch flower group, speak to Groubert, Bijmholt and Otter. They discuss the importance of digitization to the flower market.
During the broadcast, De Ruiter and Van Hout discuss how they managed to transform their traditional business model into a modern, digitally driven model. Dominated by Dutch companies, the flora market is a textbook example of a traditional sector where a lot is at stake, and where the implementation of a digital transformation is challenging. So, what should companies value most with their transformation programs?
Ultimately, it turns out, it's “all about establishing the right roadmap and creating the right flow!”
Energetic transformation
Energy transitions and digital transformations do not happen overnight and therefore require a long-term approach. But how do you ensure reaching that dot on the horizon?
The fourth outing of Limitless sees Groubert, Otter, and co-host, Anderson MacGyver Group Director Gerard Wijers, joined by Mario Suykerbuyk. The CIO of energy company Eneco discusses how Eneco has digitally transformed its strategy and business operations.
Suykerbuyk explains, “Renewable energy is the future – and this goes hand in hand with digitization.”
Eneco’s ambitions in the field of sustainability are partly based on its digital efforts. Technology not only plays an important role in making its own business operations greener, but also helps the millions of consumers that Eneco serves to reduce their CO2 footprint.
A driving success
Standing still is not an option if you want to make your company resilient and future-proof. One man who has a full understanding of the importance of forward-propulsion is Michel Alsemgeest – the CIO and CDO of car rental company LeasePlan.
In the fifth episode of Limitless, he speaks to Groubert, Otter and co-host Joachim Vandecasteele – a Managing Consultant with Anderson MacGyver – explaining how he has driven the digital transformation agenda of LeasePlan across more than thirty countries.
Although Alsemgeest explains that it is up to the CIO to develop the company's digital strategy and vision, he notes that no change will survive without cultural buy-in from across the organization. Top results only become tangible when all employees “embed the new way of working.”
“Digital transformations are only successful if they are supported by all those involved,” he adds.