Global consulting firm Teneo launches an office in France

07 April 2021

Global consulting firm Teneo has launched a new office in France, its fifth in Europe.

With more than 800 employees located in offices around the world, Teneo is one of the world’s largest management consulting firms. The New York headquartered outfit specialises in a range of topics, including strategy, financial advisory, corporate governance advisory, political risk advisory, management consulting, cyber & risk advisory, strategic communications, digital transformation and human capital. 

The launch in France builds on years of experience Teneo has built in the French market through fly-in teams from its other offices, mainly those in London (EMEA headquarters) and Brussels. The firm works predominantly for large corporates, including a significant number of Fortune 100 and FTSE 100 companies.

Teneo launches an office in Paris, France

The French office will initially focus on strategic communications, bringing Olivier Jay on board to setup and grow the Strategy & Communications Advisory practice in Europe’s third-largest economy. 

Jay joins from public relations and communications group Brunswick, where he was a partner for the past seven years. He brings over 25 years of experience in journalism, digital media, and communications to the firm, having previously worked for large French media and publication houses. 

According to Declan Kelly, the Chairman and CEO of Teneo, the foray into the “key French market” is part of Teneo’s “larger expansion” in Europe. To date, an acquisition strategy has been an integral part of its European growth. In 2017 the US company acquired UK-based management consultancy Credo, and in February this year it bolted-on the UK restructuring arm of Deloitte.

As a result, Teneo’s London office provides the firm’s full suite of offerings for clients across Europe, delivered from its Management Consulting, Capital Advisory, Strategy & Communications Advisory, Risk Advisory, ESG Advisory, and Talent Advisory practices.