Ecorys to evaluate three EU development programmes in Azerbaijan

16 November 2024

The European Union has selected Ecorys to conduct an evaluation of three EU programmes in Azerbaijan, focusing on rural and regional development.

Located at the crossroads of Eastern Europe and Western Asia, Azerbaijan has in recent years taken several steps to diversify its economy, from its heavy dependence on oil exports to other sectors. At present, Azerbaijan’s exports are dominated by oil & natural gas, which account for around 95% of total export revenues.

The EU is supporting Azerbaijan’s diversification efforts through various programmes aligned with the European Neighbourhood Policy and Eastern Partnership. These initiatives in sectors like agriculture, tourism, and manufacturing aim to enhance productivity, foster sustainable development and reduce socio-economic disparities.

For three of its programmes in the domain of rural and regional development, the European Union has tapped Ecorys to study their effects. The economic evaluations aim to evaluate results against objectives, and provide key lessons and recommendations.

In a statement, the European Union said that the Ecorys reports will be ready in September 2025.

The results of the evaluation will help inform key stakeholders such as the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Agriculture about future policy, particularly in rural, agricultural, and regional development sectors. The results will also help shape future EU assistance to Azerbaijan.

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