PNO Consultants launches new office in Athens

20 February 2023

European innovation and grants specialist PNO Consultants has launched a new office in Athens, lifting its office footprint to 22 across the continent.

From its early days in the 1980s, PNO Consultants has grown into one of Europe’s largest consultancies dedicated to innovation and funding services. The firm helps European institutions and governments deliver grants and subsidies (such as Horizon, Eurostars, Erasmus+, etc), and organisations with gaining access to such grants and R&D tax credits.

The chief executive of PNO Consultants, the Dutchman Peter Zwart, said that the expansion into Greece comes in response to growing demand for innovation services from local businesses.

PNO Consultants launches new office in Athens

“We have high expectations for our new operations in Greece,” sad Zwart. “Our local team will work to bring Greek innovative companies closer to Europe, linking them where possible to interesting international innovation projects. This of course also includes the link to European and Greek national public funds.”

According to the European Innovation Scoreboard 2022, while Greece is a moderate innovator across the board, the country is catching up rapidly – at double the pace of the European average. “As such, Greece is expected to have greater recourse to European innovation funding such as Horizon. This leads to a growing need for sound advice from a party with extensive European expertise and experience, as well as a broad network. PNO is ideally suited to take on this role.”

In January last year, PNO Consultants entered the Portuguese market. The firm now has on the ground operations in: the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Greece.