EU selects Capgemini to coordinate Next Generation IoT program

26 April 2023

The European Union has selected Capgemini to coordinate its ‘Next Generation IoT’ program.

Funded by the European Union’s Horizon 20203 research and innovation program, the €8 million ‘Next Generation IoT’ program will see a group of 19 different organisations from industry, professional services, science and academia join forces to research the future of the internet of things, and what is needed to bring its highly anticipated benefits to life.

The internet of things (IoT) is a term used to describe physical objects (or groups of such objects) with sensors, processing ability, software and other technologies that connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the internet or other communications networks.

EU selects Capgemini to coordinate Next Generation IoT program

Examples of the internet of things are already widespread. In industrial settings, IoT is used for optimising production networks, or improving maintenance schedules. Energy companies use IoT to interconnect energy power networks, while airlines use sensors to monitor the quality (and hence) safety of key assets.

Research has identified the internet of things as one of the most promising emerging technologies for the coming years. Advancing its capabilities therefore is a key objective for the European Union, with the ‘Next Generation IoT’ mainly focusing on creating an interoperable foundation for internet of things at the European level.

A lack of interoperability is today a bottleneck for large and cross-border IoT networks, as devices built on different foundations are not able to ‘communicate’ effectively with each other. According to the European Union, enhanced interoperability comes with a range of benefits, including better collaboration, benefits of scale, and cross-industry innovation, among others.

Leading the consortium is Capgemini, a consulting and technology services firm. Consortium partners include Atos, Bosch, Ericsson, Netcompany-Intrasoft, Sorbonne University, Aalto University, and RWTH University.

Commenting on the appointment, Ghasan Bhatti from Capgemini said: “The EU wants to leverage innovative technologies to develop solutions that support industry and are rooted in European values. This project is a great opportunity that demonstrates the strengths of European players in this high-impact technological evolution.”

The ‘Next Generation IoT’ program is part of a wider ambition of the European Union to build the technological building blocks of future business and society, including the internet. Under its mandate, the EU provides financial support to digital innovation and grass-root projects covering all segments of the technology landscape.

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